Please Help Support Reason's Next 40 Years! Make a Tax-Deductible Donation Before Your Taxes Go Up! Or Down! Or Get Used to Bailout Banks!


Our first-ever webathon has just two days one day left—we'll be shutting down the blegging come the end of Saturday (promise!). And we'll be turning off the pop-up ad too (double promise!)

If you like what you read at reason online and our award-winning staff Hit & Run, watch at, or peruse in the print edition of reason (surely the only publication to win kudos from Rush Limbaugh and Bill Moyers), then please support our efforts with a tax-deductible donation. A $100 gift gets you a complimentary subscription to the nation's only magazine of "Free Minds and Free Markets"), $250 gets you that plus a reason "swag bag" packed with logo-ized goodies, and $1,000 gets you—well, just go here now to find out what different giving levels offer.

If you care about ending the drug war, increasing biomedical freedom, growing the economy, reforming education, opening the world to free trade and globalization, defending the Second Amendment, and heightening the visibility of libertarian ideas in a world stuck between Iraq and a hard place, Democrats and Republicans, and liberals and conservatives, please give what you can.

And if you dug last night's live streaming from the DC HQ of LP candidate Bob Barr providing commentary on the debate between Barack Obama and John McCain, that's another reason to support us.

We not only create a space here where libertarians can read and debate ideas and news; we engage our colleagues in the mainstream and alternative media and help to show them the viability and vigor of the "Free Minds and Free Markets" mentality.

And we help create the next generation of freedom-loving kids. On that point, I direct you to this minute-long video below, in which I talk about discovering reason in high school and how it taught me two great and enduring lessons about government power and individual liberty. Those lessons will be just as powerful and important over the next 40 years as they have been since reason launched back in 1968.

Thanks for your support.