Nanny State

Lando Calrissian's Cloud City for Fat People


David Small writes in with news that, as an AP headline puts it, "France may make it illegal to promote extreme thinness":

The French parliament's lower house adopted a groundbreaking bill Tuesday that would make it illegal for anyone—including fashion magazines, advertisers and Web sites—to publicly incite extreme thinness.

The National Assembly approved the bill in a series of votes Tuesday, after the legislation won unanimous support from the ruling conservative UMP party. It goes to the Senate in the coming weeks.

Fashion industry experts said that, if passed, the law would be the strongest of its kind anywhere. Leaders in French couture are opposed to the idea of legal boundaries on beauty standards.

More here.

reason on chubsy-ubsyism here.

Lando Calrissian: "Cloud City Entrepaneur (sic) or Everyday Cock-Blocker" here.