
Mao's English Tutor Dies, AP Recounts Softer, Jokey Side of Mass Killer


Zhang Hanzhi, Mao Zedong's English tutor who stopped giving the tyrant lessons in 1964, "as the devastating Cultural Revolution began taking place," eulogizes the AP. The obit is heavy on whimsy:

"Although the Chairman was aging fast, his mind was still quick: when he spoke, he was forceful and witty, full of wisdom and globally strategic insights," Zhang wrote in the Time article. "I listened as he defended his principles, insisting that the Taiwan issue was an internal affair of China's. I also listened to his jokes with (Henry) Kissinger about exporting 10 million female Chinese to the U.S., which stunned the U.S. Secretary of State."

No doubt Kissinger was hoping for a higher number. More "The Lighter Side of Mao" here.

R.J. Rummel does the math on Mao's "democide" and comes up with a round number of 73,000,000.

reason's Jacob Sullum recently thanked Deng Xiaoping for little girls in his stunning, moving analysis of China's one-child policy.