Big Brother Around the World


The Electronic Privacy Information Center and Privacy International released a report in December 2007 that finds that surveillance is up globally over 2006. On the map below black means that surveillance is "endemic." According to EPIC and PI, the only country in the world in which there are "adequate safeguards" against surveillance abuse is Greece.

EPIC and PI give the United States a bad rating because, among other things, the REAL ID program imposes the equivalent of biometric national identity cards without adequate oversight, research, and funding. In addition, Congress approved a presidential program of spying on international communications without adequate oversight. The good news is that Congress has an opportunity to fix this spying mess in February.

Greece scores well because, among other things, the country has an independent data privacy authority that can fine or imprison government officials who violate privacy laws.

Whole EPIC global privacy report here. Read it and weep.