World Ends, Poor Hardest Hit


Everyone knows this old saw about how various newspapers respond to nuclear armageddon "WORLD ENDS, WOMEN & MINORITIES HARDEST HIT."

Hillary Clinton makes parody a reality in Cedar Rapids, while discussing climate change

Global warming hits particularly hard at the poor, she said.

"One in four low-income families have already missed a mortgage or rent payment because of rising energy costs," Clinton said.

To be fair, though, she sounds practically Julian Simon-esque in other parts of the speech, with a little rah-rah for human ingenuity:

"The climate crisis is also one of the greatest economic opportunities in the history of our country," she said. "It will unleash a wave of innovation, create millions of new jobs, enhance our security and lead the world to a revolution in how we produce and use energy."

If only she wasn't talking about a "wave of innovation" mandated by Washington. Sigh.

A whole passel of fun on global warming here