Nanny State

Naked Lunch: Banned Again?


An AP dispatch from Greenville, Maine:

A sandwich called the Skinny Dip, featuring sliced prime rib in a baguette roll, has been offered free of charge for three years to anyone willing to plunge naked from the dock at the The Black Frog Restaurant into a lake….

But now the promotion is running into trouble: A patron apparently suggested to selectmen that the activity be banned.

The naked lunch issue surfaced this week when Town Manager John Simko presented the Black Frog's application to renew its liquor licence.

Simko said he had been approached about the nudity and suggested that Police Chief Scott MacMaster speak to the owner.

The Black Frog's menu is here. I think the chief might have gotten to them -- there's no Skinny Dip in sight.

William Burroughs reads from Naked Lunch here. Frank Zappa reads from Naked Lunch here.