The War on Halloween
Forget the War on Christmas. Nanny State author David Harsanyi has discovered a scarier trend:
The two most devastating words any red-blooded American kid is likely to hear are "Fall Festival."
It can mean only one thing: The War on Halloween is once again upon us….
Recently, Halloween celebrations were banned at Kohl Elementary School in Westminster….Why can't kids celebrate this spooky orgy of fun? Well, as one fourth-grade Kohl teacher puts it - and I paraphrase here - if even one child feels left out because of Halloween, we've all failed.
So you see, it's all about inclusion. Funny, barring 99 percent of a school from celebrating a holiday sounds a lot like a massive exclusion to me. Which is to say that the practice is about as nefarious as ghoulish adults handing out healthy raisins instead of Kit Kats to trick-or-treaters. There is just no call for it.
Jack Chick weighs in here.