Diamonds are Forever—And NASA Evidently Plans to Be Too.


NASA–the folks who popularized brought you Tang and Velcro–are planning to send astronauts to Mars in the 30 years or so. As D.A. Ridgely trenchantly observes:

There's good news and bad news on the Final Frontier Front. The good news, NASA plans a manned landing on Mars 30 years from now. The bad news, NASA plans to still be around 30 years from now…

My guess is that, whatever the so-called experts are planning and predicting at this point, by the time there is significant human traffic in space, the model we will rely upon most heavily will be our history of ships at sea and how they, for example, have dealt with medical emergencies and shipboard deaths on the high seas. Unfortunately, I won't live to see much of it happen, anyway. Then again, if we leave the likes of NASA in charge, neither will my great grandchildren.

Whole post here.

Disclosure: Mr. Ridgely has been a friend of mine for [cough] 30 years or so. However, you should not let that stop you from regularly visiting his excellent new blog.

Update: I stand corrected on Tang and Velcro. Thanks Kap.  Though didn't I see a commercial touting Tang as the drink of astronauts when I was but a wee tyke?