Bob Casey Airbrushes Hot-Waxes Personal History


The crack political ops over at Santorumblog–which contrary to its name, is not a gay-sex site–have uncovered a coverup that is either the low point in recent political campaigns or one of the most pathetic and revealing airbrushings of a personal history ever committed by a politician. Or maybe it's both.

Pennsylvania Democrat Bob Casey is well ahead of incumbent Republican Sen. Rick Santorum in one of the most closely watched races this fall. Casey has just started airing a new commercial, which features recollections and a shot of young Bob as a fifth-grader teacher. The odd thing? The campaign has literally tweezed Casey's eyebrows to remove a unibrow evident in a picture that's already posted to Casey's original site (see left). The scariest thing? If the polls in the Keystone State actually start to tighten up, expect the candidates to start swapping bikini-line graphics.

More here.

Hirsute hat tip: Extreme Mortman.