Is JetBlue a Red-State Airline?


At the always-entertainin' Extreme Mortman, we learn of the Daily Kos' latest outrage: That upstart (read: perpetually on the verge of shutting down) airline JetBlue carries Fox News but not CNN.

Quoth the Mortman:

Check out what's bugging [the Kossacks] now:

JetBlue doesn't carry CNN. ..JetBlue has a complaints form on their website. … Suggest that by carrying FoxNews and not CNN, you feel that by supporting JetBlue, you are supporting the republican party, and this will affect your airline choices in the future, and adversely affect your desire to fly on JetBlue again. … Lets see people powered politics in action.

And while we're flying Air Kossack, can they also get the pillows and blankets put back on the flights? And whatever happened to those stupid little bags of peanuts? I mean, are stupid little bags of pretzels any more fuel efficient? Can you tell the pilot to stop waking me because the Grand Canyon is on the left—when I'm sitting on the right? And please, please, please, for the love of God, I want an an in-flight magazine whose crossword puzzle isn't already filled out! And can someone please remove all those motherf–ing snakes from the plane?

More here.