Bring on the Sex Cults!


It's official: Women over 18 can now buy Plan B without a doctor's blessing. It only took three years, the resignation of Assistant FDA Commissioner Susan Wood, threats to block the confirmation of acting FDA Commissioner Dr. Andrew von Eschenbach, and an agreement not to sell to adolescents.

The well-mannered abstinence-boosters at The Concerned Women of America are not going to take this lightly: They're most displeased, and they're armed with ominous similes. Their August 22 statement explains:

The major problem with the proposed compromise is that it is totally unworkable. It makes about as much sense as acting as though a car with air bags wouldn't need to have its brakes serviced and kept in good repair.

As you're pondering that--and do let us know if you think of a good place to have abstinence serviced and repaired--check out Reason's expansive coverage of the Plan B imbroglio, from Ron Bailey's Abort Plan B! to my Immaculate Contraception. Bailey talks sex cults here and I analyze the morning-after compromise here.