Cigarettes and alcohol worse than ecstasy, LSD and cannabis


That's the conclusion of a new report in Britain that seeks to rank the actual physical and social harms of 20 recreational drugs. The report was commissioned by the UK's House of Commons Science and Technology Select Committee. According to

Twenty drugs were rated in this system by psychiatrists, chemists and other experts. At the top came the class-A drugs heroin and cocaine. But ecstasy came near the bottom of the list. "We just have to accept that some drugs seen as class A, such as ecstasy and LSD, are not as dangerous as we thought," says [Bristol University psychopharmacologist David] Nutt. Meanwhile, alcohol was placed fifth, and tobacco ninth.

What do you want to bet that policymakers will conclude that they should loosen restrictions on ecstasy, weed, and LSD rather than impose further restrictions on booze and tobacco?