25 Inconvenient Truths for Gore?


Six weeks after its release, Al Gore's global warming horror movie, An Inconvenient Truth, has grossed more than $12 million at the box office. In my review of the movie, I pointed to a number of exaggerations made by Gore, but agreed with him that the scientific case for man-made global warming is solid.

The accompanying book of the same title briefly hit the top spot on the New York Times list of paperback non-fiction bestsellers, but has now dropped to the number 2 slot. For the delectation of Reason Online readers, I want to bring to your attention Competitive Enterprise Institute senior fellow Iain Murray's interesting and highly critical review of the Gore book over at National Review Online. (I would have done so earlier, but I was away on vacation and beyond the reach of the internet.)

As I have previously disclosed (see also my profile at Exxonsecrets): I was the 1993 Warren Brookes Fellow in Environmental Journalism at the Competitive Enterprise Institute and I have been the editor of three CEI volumes on environmental policy and science. I also dine and go drinking with CEI staff members from time to time and we usually split the check.

Further Disclosure: Whoops. I forgot to mention that I own a small amount of ExxonMobil stock and that some of my West Virginia relatives were coal miners.