Reason and the 48th Annual Southern California Journalism Awards


The Los Angeles Press Club has announced finalists for the 48th annual Southern California Journalism Awards. Last year, Reason's Tim Cavanaugh took home top honors for best online column and Hit & Run won best group blog for our coverage of the Democratic National Convention. (Whole list here.)

This time around we've got a bunch of finalists in the hunt for gold, including Maia Szalavitz for her essay "In Defense of Happy Pills"; Matt Welch for his exploration of the role of free agency in pro sports; Ronald Bailey for his online column about "Creation Summer Camp"; and me for my obit of slain journalist Steven Vincent. On top of that, Hit & Run is up for top honors again in the best group blog category and Reason Online is being considered for the best web site accolade.

Congrats to all the finalists (complete list here). The awards ceremony is in Los Angeles on June 24. Details here.