GOP Senate: Good Fences Make Good Neighbors. Especially If the Fences Keep Out Mexicans.
Via comes an AP account of how the "Senate OKs Border Fence, Mulls Citizenship":
The Senate voted to build 370 miles of triple-layered fencing along the Mexican border Wednesday and clashed over citizenship for millions of men and women who live in the United States illegally.
Amid increasingly emotional debate over election-year immigration legislation, senators voted 83-16 to add fencing and 500 miles of vehicle barriers along the southern border. It marked the first significant victory in two days for conservatives seeking to place their stamp on the contentious measure….
The high point of the article comes when Alabama Republican channels Robert Frost--or Erich Honecker, whatever--on the subject of fences:
"Good fences make good neighbors, fences don't make bad neighbors," said Sen. Jeff Sessions, R-Ala. He said border areas where barriers already exist have experienced economic improvement and reduced crime.
Hey, Senator, did you know that cities that have more immigrants kick ass in terms of economic growth? And that your president's own press secretary says that immigrants don't cause crime?
But don't sweat it--we're building a wall and sending National Guard troops down there, but it's not like we're militarizing the Mexican border or anything.
One of the defining moments of the 20th century came when the Berlin Wall was pulled down. Here's hoping that the building of a wall to keep people out of the Land of Opportunity isn't one of the defining moments of the 21st.