No Porn Domain For You…Next!


ICANN, the group that oversees a bunch of Internet-related rules--including the handing out of new top-level domains such as .com and .edu--has voted down a proposal to create a special, super-sexxxy all porn domain, .xxx. According to this writeup, the nay vote is the result of pressures that pulled ICANN out of its normal procedural routine:

Most furious today, though, will be the owner of ICM Registry Stuart Lawley who had spent years and millions of pounds pushing the .xxx domain. Only last month, when the .xxx issue was again delayed at ICANN's meeting in New Zealand, he told us he would continue to answer everyone's concerns. But his sense of injustice was clear: "ICANN have gone well outside their previous procedures for the other sTLDs on this one," he told us. "Given the political posturing I guess it is understandable, yet extremely frustrating. The contract was reviewed by the board during their 18 April call and by inference they must be happy with the terms as they did not ask for any amendments."

Read more here. And to read porn on the Internet? Well, that's what Google is still for, isn't it?