Attn, L.A. Reasonoids: Brown Bag Lunch Tomorrow


"The Prediction Exchange: Progress in Promoting the Sciences and Useful Arts"

Tom W. Bell, Professor of Law, Chapman University
Thursday, April 20
12:00 pm—1:15 pm
(Bring a sack lunch; dessert and drinks provided)
RSVP to Mary Toledo 310-391-2245 or

Reason Foundation
3415 S. Sepulveda Blvd. Suite 400
Los Angeles, CA 90034

"What is a prediction exchange–and how would it promote progress in the sciences and useful arts? Chapman University Professor Tom Bell, a nationally recognized authority on prediction markets, will discuss his latest research on how prediction exchanges would support transactions with prediction certificates, each one of which promises to pay its bearer in the event that an associated claim about science, technology, or public policy comes true. Like other, similar markets in information, the prediction exchange would aggregate, measure, and share the opinions of people paid to find the truth." (scroll down)