And the Winner in the Human Events 10 Most Harmful Government Programs Goes To…
Heavy-duty Hit & Run commenter Mr. F Le Mur sends along this list of the 10 Most Harmful Government Programs, as compiled by the conservative cabal running Human Events. First, a note on the judging process:
This year, 38 panelists participated. They ranged from Larry Kudlow, host of CNBC's "Kudlow and Company," to Eagle Forum President Phyllis Schlafly, to FreedomWorks Chairman Dick Armey, to Concerned Women for America President Wendy Wright, to Center for Immigration Studies Director Mark Krikorian, to George Mason University Professor of Economics Walter Williams.
I won't tip what's number one--you get one guess--but will note some of the odder (IMO) choices: "contraceptive funding," "earmarking," and "Davis-Bacon." It's not that these are good by any stretch, but are they really the most harmful? And where o where is the drug war?