A Dove with Claws


Rosanne Cash gets hate mail:

Compounding the problem was her public opposition to the war in Iraq, which angered many of her father's admirers. "I got so much hate mail," Cash says. "Invariably, they would say, 'Your father's a real American, and you should go sleep with Sadaam.'" Ironically, Johnny Cash himself was adamantly against the war. "It broke his heart, it really did," she asserts, claiming that her father was "addicted" to war coverage on CNN during his last months. "We talked about it in every single conversation we had," she says. "He was almost a Quaker in his pacifism. He thought there was never a reason for war -- and he had felt that way, he told me, since the Vietnam War."

More on Cash Sr. and Vietnam here. More on the politics of country music here. Lyrics to "Singin' in Vietnam Talkin' Blues" here.

[Via Norman Singleton.]