"A Woeful Place for a Woman Who Aspires to Lead"
Rangoon? The Vatican? Promise Keepers HQ? Newsweek's international edition points to Europe:
For all the myths of equality that Europe tells itself, the Continent is by and large a woeful place for a woman who aspires to lead. According to a paper published by the International Labor Organization this past June, women account for 45 percent of high-level decision makers in America, including legislators, senior officials and managers across all types of businesses. In the U.K., women hold 33 percent of those jobs. In Sweden -- supposedly the very model of global gender equality -- they hold 29 percent….
Why is this? Simply put, Europe is killing its women with kindness -- enshrined, ironically, in cushy welfare policies that were created to help them. By offering women extremely long work leaves after children, then pushing them to take the full complement via tax policies that discourage a second income, coupled with subsidies that serve to keep them at home, Europe is essentially squandering its female talent.
Whole thing, well worth reading, here.