How Representative Can They Be If They All Turn Down Free Porn?
The Salt Lake Tribune reports that Hustler Publisher Larry Flynt has been sending his magazine to every member of Congress for somewhere between two decades (according to a 1983 A.P. story) and three decades (according to Flynt). None so far has admitted to liking it, but they have to take it--something about the First Amendment and seeking redress of grievances. Legislators train their staffers to identify the plain manila envelope in which the magazine arrives so it can be immediately discarded without sullying the sanctity of congressional chambers.
The Tribune story apparently was prompted by Utah Rep. Chris Cannon's recent unsuccessful effort to cancel his complimentary subscription. A Focus on the Family analyst advises Cannon and other Flynt-phobic members of Congress to ask the Justice Department whether Hustler is legally obscene and can therefore be blocked. Of course, making that determination might require opening the envelope.
[Thanks to Mike Alissi for the link.]