Federal Budget Day (Read It and Weep)
President Bush today will propose a 2007 federal budget of more than $2.7 trillion, even while calling for savings in Medicare and other domestic programs, according to congressional and administration officials with knowledge of the spending plan.
The budget is an increase over the $2.57 trillion spending plan Bush proposed last year. Much of the increase will go to defense, homeland security and benefit programs that grow faster than the economy. The officials who gave details of the budget asked not to be named because the plan wasn't scheduled to be released until today.
More press account here.
Read the whole megillah here online (though at a relatively scant 9.8MB, it seems positively light, don't it?).
Read one of the least inspiring presidential texts--"The Budget Message of the President of the United States"--here.
A snippet:
As this Budget shows, we have set clear priorities that meet the most pressing needs of the American people while addressing the long-term challenges that lie ahead. The 2007 Budget will ensure that future generations of Americans have the opportunity to live in a Nation that is more prosperous and more secure. With this Budget, we are protecting our highest ideals and building a brighter future for all.