Baseball Non-Sequituring Political Metaphor of the Week


Forgive me Father for I am linking to Hugh Hewitt writing about George Will, but this bit was too weird to pass up:

I joke[d] with Dennis Prager a week ago that George Will's instant rejection of Miers was part of "baseball envy" on Will's part. I am not sure who knows more --really knows-- about the game, Bush or Will?

But I don't think W ever second guessed his manager when, in the top of the sixth, the manager made a decision the owner found inscrutable.

That's the difference between an owner and a sportswriter. One lives to win. The other lives to write good copy.

I knew the conservative crack-up would be entertaining; I just didn't count on the surrealism.

Link via Andrew Sullivan; my take on Bush v. Gore in the 2000 World Series here.