A Man's House Was His Castle


Leonard Ford sends along this BBC bit about England seizing vacant homes and turning them over to local councils who will then lease them out for up to seven years before kicking back to the owners. Sez one gov't spokeschap:

"Poorly maintained empty properties are magnets for vandals, drug users, squatters and even arsonists.

"Bringing empty homes back into use reduces opportunities for low level anti-social behaviour."

But wait, is he talking about derelict homes or castles belonging to the House of Hanover Windsor? Is there that much of a difference?

The BBC bit here.

And isn't it about time the Royal Family thanked the Sex Pistols for making them relevant again? I mean it, man--since that song hit the top of the UK charts nearly 30 years ago, it's been onward and upward for QE2 and her regression-to-the-mean brood of freeloaders. Who would have guessed in 1977 that it would have been the House of Lords what was on the chopping block?