Choose Choice, Dammit, or the Dog Gets It! (Shameless Book Pitch Edition)


_Choice_ is a great read regardless of political persuasion because the articles do a good job of following the facts to a conclusion rather than cherry-picking facts to support a conclusion. Liberals and conservatives will each find things to support and decry here, and they will all be challenged. _Choice_ also includes a number of interviews with luminaries like Norman Borlaug and Milton Friedman (and even Drew Carey).

If you're looking for something to support your point of view, _Choice_ may not be for you. But if you're looking for a collection of articles that will challenge you, this is the place to start.

That's from Andrew Olmstead's customer review of Choice: The Best of Reason at Amazon. Don't you want to be challenged? Rub shoulders with Nobel Peace Prize winner Norman Borlaug? Well, for god's sake, buy a copy of Choice right now, then.

For more info, go here.