Free Your Bollocks


A woman in Britain was apparently hauled in by police for wearing a popular shirt that reads "Bollocks to Blair." (HT) What's interesting about this one is the rather close parallel to Cohen v. California, in which the Supreme Court ruled, over three decades ago, that a jacket bearing the words "Fuck the Draft" was protected speech—and that the wearer shouldn't have been arrested. As Justice John Marshall Harlan then wrote:

This case may seem at first blush too inconsequential to find
its way into our books, but the issue it presents is of no small
constitutional significance.
To many, the immediate consequence of this freedom may often
appear to be only verbal tumult, discord, and even offensive
utterance. These are, however, within established limits, in
truth necessary side effects of the broader enduring values which
the process of open debate permits us to achieve. That the air
may at times seem filled with verbal cacophony is, in this sense
not a sign of weakness but of strength.