Video Game Violence: Corrupting the Old?


James Tuffs--father of infant twin sons, and old enough at 21 to purchase M-rated video games under, say, Illinois' new ban on the sale of games with explicit content to minors--worked himself into a violent rage after all-night Gamecubing:

Zoe O'Leary, 18, spotted the leg of four-month Byron poking out from beneath sleeping James Tuffs who was said to become enraged if interrupted while playing on his Nintendo GameCube.

She said: "James was lying on him. I started shaking and screaming at him to move. He got up and picked up Byron. I said 'Oh my God you've killed my baby'."

Undoubtedly some people will interpret news like this as bolstering the case for restrictions on content in video games. However, until some reform-minded legislators decide it would be in the public interest to ban adult consumption of explicit entertainment, it might be worth investigating what other factors, aside from (of course!) video games, could be behind a psychopathic, murderous rampage. Story here; link via Kotaku.