"Best Political Blogs: DC Journalists Pick Their Favorites"


Washingtonian mag recently asked DC's ink-stained wretches to name the blogs they must read and has delivered "a fresh crop of blogs and Web sites now has become standard stops, according to an informal survey of Washington journalists."

Hit & Run, which Mark Felt told us is required reading on the former presidential yacht (though to be honest, we're not sure if he meant the Sequoia or the Potomac), makes the list, with the following descriptor:

The libertarians behind Reason magazine strike back with moderate commentary on a variety of topics ranging from public television to Gwen Stefani's "Hollaback Girl."

Moderate isn't exactly the adjective I'd use to describe what goes on here (foul-mouthed, anyone? Or how about "award-winning"?). Was it Barry Goldwater who said that moderation in the pursuit of praise was no virtue? And that extremism in the pursuit of pleasure was no vice? Or was that Barry White?

This seems as good a place as any for a subscription pitch.

Whole Washingtonian list here.