Silkwood II?


Tommy Hook, who has alleged financial fraud at the Los Alamos nuclear weapons laboratory, got a good skull-kicking this weekend, just before he was scheduled to give testimony to Congress. From the Project on Government Oversight:

On Saturday night Hook went to a Santa Fe bar to meet a person claiming to be a fellow Los Alamos whistleblower that called that night. When the person did not show, Hook left the bar after two drinks. In the parking lot he was pulled out of his car and beaten so badly by 3 or 4 men that he had to be taken to intensive care. Hook did not provoke these men. The men concentrated on kicking his head, and Hook's family thinks the men would have killed him if it hadn't been for the witness who had just walked out of the bar.

The men didn't try to take Hook's wallet, his watch or his car; they just told him to keep his mouth shut if he knows what's good for him. Tommy Hook was expected to testify before Congress this month (and talk to a congressional investigator this Tuesday–tomorrow) on possible fraud at Los Alamos

Link via Sploid.