Public Service Announcement Re: Eugenics for Fat People


If you see, or have seen, this alarming Pacific Northwest Medical Journal article about state-sponsored "gene-line cleansing" for the obese, rest assured that it is a media-baiting hoax. The perpetrators, incidentally, are mad as hell and genetically unlikely to take it anymore:

Once again, we've proved that so-called "journalists" at so-called "reputable news agencies" are so-called "Fucking lazy". It's not like we didn't drop about two billion clues that this particular article might not be full to the brim with medical fact, you know. In fact, we set up a voicemail system to log calls to the Pacific Northwest Medical Association specifically to track just how many reference and source checks were made by you, the mass media. The integrity part of Journalistic Integrity has been left completely by the wayside, and reporters / writers / disc jockeys / what-have-you are simply scraping sites like and without so much as a verification call.

And we, two members of an extremely annoyed American public, are now formally asking that you guys knock it off.

And yes, I was a keystroke or two away from being rooked myself. Thanks, Technorati!