The State of Science Journalism, Live Tonight on C-Span


From the C-SPAN Book TV (C-SPAN 2) schedule:

On Saturday, February 26 at 7:00PM ET

LIVE COVERAGE—State of Science Journalism Panel

Nick Gillespie, Sally Satel, Ronald Bailey, Chris Mooney

Description: From suburban Washington, DC, a panel discussion on the State of Science Journalism, co-hosted by Reason magazine and the Institute for Humane Studies. The panel is moderated by Nick Gillespie, Editor-in-Chief of Reason magazine. The panelists are authors Sally Satel, Ronald Bailey, and Chris Mooney.

Author Bio: Sally Satel is the author of "PC, M.D.: How Political Correctness is Corrupting Medicine." She is co-author, with Christina Hoff Sommers, of the forthcoming book "One Nation Under Therapy: Why Self-Absorption is Eroding Self-Reliance." She is a resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute and staff psychiatrist at the Oasis Clinic in Washington, DC. Ronald Bailey is science correspondent for Reason magazine and the editor of "Global Warming and Other Eco Myths: How the Environmental Movement Uses False Science to Scare Us to Death." He is also the author of the forthcoming "Liberation Biology: The Moral and Scientific Defense of the Biotech Revolution." Chris Mooney is senior correspondent for the America Prospect. He is currently writing a book about the modern conservative movement and science. Nick Gillespie is Editor-in-Chief of Reason magazine and the editor of "Choice: The Best of Reason."

If you're in the DC area and would like to attend in person, details here.