Strike Two (Maybe Three) on DC Baseball
Remember that fiscally responsible (if still too small) requirement passed by the Washington, D.C. city council requiring 50 percent private funding for a new baseball stadium in the nation's capital (which as Jacob Sullum pointed out here a few days ago, would amount to only a third of actual costs)?
The Washington Times reports on the reaction from Major League Baseball's millionaire welfare whores:
"It's like a heart attack around here," said one baseball executive at MLB's New York headquarters. "This is definitely serious. If the District thinks we don't have other options or we're engaged in a game of chicken, they're sorely mistaken."
As much as I'd like to see baseball return to D.C. proper--what baseball fan doesn't nurse a certain faux-nostalgia for the legendarily awful Senators?--I do hope the city council sticks to its guns on this one and really refuses to completely roll over for a new team.
Whole Times story here.