Scottish Cardinal to Catholics: Stop Being Stingy with Procreative Sex!
Neil Hrab hips us to the fact that Cardinal Keith O'Brien has celebrated his first anniversary as capo of Scotland's mackerel snappers by publicly fretting about his flock's commitment to one of the main tenets of popery. As The Scotsman relays it:
In remarks that risk sparking political anger, he said members of the Church hierarchy fear immigrant groups could "take over" in western European countries because they have more children than indigenous Christians….
Recalling a trip to Vienna, Cardinal O'Brien, the head of the Catholic Church in Scotland, described the fears of a guide who showed him around the Austrian capital. "She said: 'You know, we are losing our Christian Catholic community. We are not having babies, but the immigrants, they love babies, love families, love family life, have many many children, and soon they will be taking over'," Cardinal O'Brien said, adding: "Basically, that reflects the views of some of our own Church leaders at this time."
What kind of crazy, mixed-up world is it where Catholics of all people need to be lectured on having kids?
Whole story here.
Reason Web editor Tim Cavanaugh--the skin on his shoulders still bearing the junior varsity stigmata from his boyhood scapulars--poured ice-cold holy water on the idea that anti-Catholicism was the "last acceptable prejudice" here.