Source and Quotes
"It made me long for the good old days when Republicans went to jail for taking bribes or covering up burglaries….Now they're under investigation for covering up massive social spending….It's like Oliver North running a secret Head Start program in the White House basement."
-- Democratic Leadership Council President Bruce Reed, on suppression of the Medicare prescription drug benefit's true costs, at an April 27 Cato Institute forum
"Hopefully, if we pull up their pants, we can lift their minds while we're at it."
-- Louisiana state legislator Derrick Shepherd, on his proposal to ban low-riding jeans, quoted in the April 22 New Orleans Times-Picayune
In Nineteen Eighty-Four, records that contradicted the official version of events were dropped down "the memory hole." But in 2004 Russ Kick is there to catch inconvenient information on its way to oblivion and post it at Kick made news in April when he obtained and posted more than 350 photos of the coffins of Iraq war casualties. Other features range from a younger John Kerry's investigation of narco-corruption to (on the lighter side) photographs of Henry Kissinger picking his nose.