Earth to Rush


Rush Limbaugh's very good lawyer Roy Black writes that the government's investigation of his client makes him "worry about the precedent that's being set in this case. So should you."

There are plenty of things to worry about involving Palm Beach County State Attorney Barry Krischer's steamroller tactics, but precedent isn't one of them. Americans accused of, or even implicated in, drug crimes, however tenuous the case, have the decked stacked against them. Several decks. For years.

Prosecutors routinely use "informants"—aka snitches looking for a better deal—to help them embellish cases that otherwise might bring a shrug of indifference from a jury. Black may lament how Rush has been jobbed by this practice, but it is surely nothing new.

As for leaks, of confidential matters, to the press, from a prosecutor's office? Yeah, that never happens. And then they tried to cover it up? Wonders never cease.

And Black seems to think that Rush is somehow the victim of a "personal agenda" of the prosecutor, a Democrat. Earth to Roy. The personal agenda of any prosecutor is prosecutions, big expensive, headline grabbing ones. Ones that bring more resources and maybe a regional task force or two. We don't need to step outside and find some other motive.

Hence the worry.