Kerry in a Hurry


All widely available partout, but in the interest of one-stop shopping: Clark endorses Kerry, complicating detail that it was a "pro-Clark blogger" who floated the sex story. Mystery girl is Alex Polier, 24; her father Terry calls Kerry a "sleazeball," says she rejected offer to work on his team; mother Donna says Kerry was "after her;" Alex, a "journalist," is now in Kenya. Kerry tells Imus, "Well, there is nothing to report. So there is nothing to talk about. I'm not worried about it. No." More speculation about why Dean decided not to pull out. UK papers now leading with story. Jane Fonda emphatically not the mystery woman on the beach. Meanwhile, Kerry's real Ms. Right, Elsa Lanchester, is still dead.

Thanks to Drudge, Wonkette, Sullivan, Google News, and Jesus Christ.