But Where's the Monica Protein Shake Recipe?


Attention foodies who miss the '90s: The Clinton Presidential Center Cookbook is now on sale, with proceeds funding Slick Willie's presidential library.

Among the recipes, reports the AP via WashPost:

Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton's chocolate chip cookies, Bill Clinton's chicken enchiladas, Elizabeth Taylor's spicy chicken and Barbra Streisand's Southern lemon ice box pie.

"This dessert was made for a luncheon on August 13, 2000, that we had on our front yard for President Clinton," said a note from Streisand that accompanied the recipe. Many of the recipes include personal notes.

Give credit where credit is due. Early on his presidency, Bill's love handles and ravenous eating habits were seen as markers of his psychological well-being (or lack thereof). But the former tub of goo lost weight and has apparently kept it off, perhaps the better to enjoy bachelor life–er, retirement.