Arnold's End of Days?


This weekend's California state GOP convention is shaping up as a major test for Arnold Schwarzenegger's bid to become the governor of the most-broken state in the nation.

The Austrian Oak needs to convince conservatives that he'll be their man if elected (and he needs to do it in a way that doesn't alienate every other type of Cali voter). He's got the no-tax-raise line memorized but it's those lifestyle issues (pro-gay, pro-abortion, only semi-tough on immigration-related stuff, the occasional gang bang, etc.) that are really killing him with Cali cons.

The convention also provides an opportunity for Republican state senator Tom McClintock to show he's got some star power of his own. As a tax-cutter, anti-abortion type, McClintock's first in conservative hearts, but he's unlikely to win in any sort of statewide ballot.

Reports the SF Chronicle,

"Conservatives want to win, but they want to win on principle," said Dan Schnur, who was running Republican Peter Ueberroth's campaign until the Orange County businessman dropped out on Tuesday. "McClintock has to convince them he can win. Schwarzenegger has to convince them he has the principles."

One reason not to watch:

Schwarzenegger is scheduled to speak to the convention at lunch Saturday, while McClintock gets his turn a few hours later at dinner. But McClintock isn't likely to get his hoped-for debate, which GOP Chairman Duf Sundheim warned would be "a bloodbath in public."

Who wants to see an Arnold flick sans blood, the one thing that could have made Jingle All the Way watchable?