Howard Stern's Comeuppance


It seems like it was just yesterday that Al "Grandpa Munster" Lewis was yelling "Fuck the FCC!" at a rally in support of Howard Stern's radio program.

Times have changed, as The Washington Post reports in a story titled "FCC Rules 'Howard Stern' Meets Standard Of a News Show":

It's official: "The Howard Stern Show" -- the popular morning radio program that features flatulence humor, lesbian sex talk, and ridicule of minorities and the handicapped -- is a bona fide news show just like "Meet the Press" or "The CBS Evening News."

The Federal Communications Commission accorded Stern's show that status yesterday in granting it an exemption from federal equal-time rules, which enable candidates to demand airtime from television and radio stations when their rivals have been interviewed or featured on the air.

[Link courtesy Romenesko]