1993 Reason Foundation Banquet


On May 21, more than 300 friends of REASON gathered in Los Angeles to mark the magazine's 25th anniversary. Featured guests included Cypress Semiconductor President T. J. Rodgers; writer Peter Huber; former Bush administration deputy Jim Pinkerton; JirĂ­ Schwarz, president of the Liberal Institute in Prague; reporter John Stossel of ABC's 20/20; and economist and syndicated columnist Walter Williams. Writer Edith Efron, suffering from a broken hip, sent remarks that were read in her absence by Reason Foundation Vice President Lynn Scarlett. Master of Ceremonies Tom Hazlett punctuated the evening with a series of congratulatory messages, both real (from, among others, former President Ronald Reagan) and imagined (Millie the Dog, President Clinton). Below are some selected scenes from the festivities, followed by Charles Murray's keynote address and Virginia Postrel's remarks.