


Among the highlights of the Libertarian Party's National Convention in Dallas were the shows produced by New York City's Adlib Communications, Inc. The multi-media show was a delightful combination of music, slides, and movies celebrating the growth and diversity of the libertarian movement, and the Tuccille for Governor fund-raiser was an entertaining stage show featuring Jean Preece, Andrea Millen, Fran Youngstein and Jerome Tuccille and two original John Doswell songs: ''Sing Out Freedom" and "Leave Me Alone."

The Adlib group grew out of the 1973 Youngstein for Mayor campaign—the staff members of Adlib were the people responsible for producing the radio and television commercials, the advertising that appeared in newspapers, the theatrical benefit for the Youngstein campaign, and the strategic analysis for waging the campaign. After the campaign they decided to incorporate as Adlib Communications, Inc. and make the skills they developed in the mayoral campaign available to other libertarian candidates and to businesses (and maybe make some money in the process). At present there are nine members of Adlib: Mark Dane, John Doswell, Warren Doswell, Gary Greenberg, Carolyn Keelen, Andrea Millen, Hector Perez, Jean Preece, and Fran Youngstein.

At present Adlib is working on the campaign of Jerome Tuccille for Governor of New York—if Tuccille can get 50,000 votes in the November election then the Free Libertarian Party will have a permanent spot on the ballot.

In addition, Adlib has produced a very attractive and instructive yearbook from the Youngstein for Mayor campaign giving a listing of speaking engagements, a set of press releases, poster samples, and a copy of Ms. Youngstein's basic campaign speech. The book is worth having as a souvenir, but even more as a short course in how to run a campaign. The yearbook costs $3.50 plus 30¢ postage and handling; to order it or to get more information on Adlib please write to Adlib Communications, Inc., 44 West 63rd Street, New York, NY 10023.


The Society for Individual Liberty is instituting a number of changes that it feels will contribute to the growing needs of the libertarian movement.

Effective with the June issue, SIL NEWS will no longer exist. It will be replaced with an expanded newsletter to be known as INDIVIDUAL LIBERTY; frequency of publication will still be monthly but the number of pages will be increased to six or eight per month. In addition to the reporting of news from libertarian clubs and organizations, INDIVIDUAL LIBERTY will now contain a "Digest Page" feature that will highlight items of interest to libertarians that appeared in other publications. Also, INDIVIDUAL LIBERTY will contain an "academic advisory page"—one of SIL's advisors will submit an 800 to 1000 word essay on a topic of interest to libertarians. This will give SIL membership an exposure to a wider range of libertarian views and acquaint them with the ideas of academicians in the various academic fields. A book review page will also be inaugurated to keep members current on the latest libertarian books.

Society for Individual Liberty is also moving its headquarters to a new location. All future correspondence with SIL should be directed to: Society for Individual Liberty, P.O. Box 1147, Warminster, PA 18974. The directors of SIL are quite excited about the future possibilities for SIL and its contribution to the libertarian movement. In making these changes to the newsletter and the office location at this time, they are endeavoring to keep ahead of the growing needs of the movement.


The August 20th dinner meeting of Libertarian Alternative of San Diego will feature a talk by REASON editor-in-chief Lynn Kinsky on the history of the libertarian movement from the early 1960's to the present. The meeting will be held at Sambo's Restaurant, 4610 Pacific Highway, San Diego, CA at 7:30 p.m.—for further information please call Sara Baase at 714-460-9136.

The League of Non-Voters is now offering a mandate-withdrawing postcard suitable for mailing to elected officials. To get a free postcard and obtain more information on the League send a stamped, self-addressed postcard to League of Non-Voters, Box 1406, Santa Ana, CA 92702.

During the month of June, Citizens for Quality in Medicine sponsored a Congressional write-in to Wilber Mills and Bill Archer. Coordinated by CQM Director Paul Beaird and Eric Scott Royce, advising from Washington D.C., the write-in was aimed at getting HR 9375 (sponsored by Cong. Rarick) out of the House Ways and Means Committee to the U.S. House floor for a vote. The Bill would repeal the Federal controls over medicine imposed by the Professional Standards Review Organizations law. According to Congressmen Philip Crane, Steve Symms, and Rarick, there is enough support in the House to likely pass HR 9375, or some similar Bill repealing PSRO. Over 10,000 persons in some 10 tax resistance groups were invited to participate along with CQM members, and in the last month, Karl Bray has accepted an advisory position of the CQM Board of Advisors. Citizens for Quality in Medicine is using Marvin Edward's HAZARDOUS TO YOUR HEALTH and other material to present the case for free market medicine as the best system for making high quality care and personal service to customers of medical services. For more information on Citizens for Quality in Medicine please write to them at Box 2724, Kodiak, AK 99615.

Mary Wanzer is running for the New York State Assembly from the 21st Assembly district in Nassau County. She was endorsed by the Free Libertarian Party (FLP) at its convention in March and has also received the Conservative Party endorsement. During August the Nassau Libertarian Club will be circulating petitions for Ms. Wanzer's candidacy—if they get 1500 valid signatures Ms. Wanzer will be on the ballot in November as the FLP candidate. People interested in assisting in the petition drive and campaign should contact Steven Schneider, c/o Wanzer for Assembly, P.O. Box 32, West Hempstead, NY 11552.