A Message from the Publisher of REASON


With this issue, REASON resumes a monthly schedule. The current issue, Volume II, Number 10, is dated January 1971, with the dating of the future issues readjusted to conform with the actual publishing date. Each subscriber will receive his full complement of issues; the expiration date of each subscription has been adjusted to compensate for past delays.

Also with this issue, REASON is under new ownership and management, dedicated to making it the best magazine in its field. The basic ideas underlying the magazine have not changed, but you will notice a marked improvement in the quality of the contents and in subscription service. In the future please address all requests for subscription service, complaints, etc. to our new office:
Box 6151
Santa Barbara, Calif. 93105

Readers have been asking if there is anything they can do to help assure that REASON can grow large enough to have a significant impact on our culture. Basically, we are in need of three things:

1) Subscribers—If you like the magazine, let your friends in on a good thing. Show copies of the magazine to them; order back issues as gifts; give gift subscriptions.
2) Articles—If you have the interest and ability, consider writing articles for REASON. Otherwise, alert writer-friends to submit work.
3) Financial Assistance—In this period of rapid expansion, our promotion campaign requires large capital expenditures. Gifts, loans, and advertising commitments are heavily solicited, and your help will be appreciated. Have people interested in this contact us directly.

In future issues you will witness the growth of REASON into a first-rate publication. Your advice and comments are welcome.


Lynn Kinsky
Manuel Klausner
Tibor Machan
Robert Poole, Jr.
Marilynn Walther
James Weigl