A.M. Links: Rand Paul Says "Goons" Were Sent To Stop WWII Vets From Visiting Their Memorial, Greenpeace Activists Charged With Piracy in Russia, Georgia School District Considers Buying Assault Weapons


Credit: Lipton sale /wikimedia
  • Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) says that the government sent "goons" to stop WWII veterans from visiting the WWII memorial in Washington D.C., which was closed because of the government shutdown. The veterans reportedly broke down barricades to visit the memorial. 
  • Russia has charged Greenpeace activists who launched a protest against Arctic oil drilling last month with piracy. Two of the charged activists attempted to scale the the Prirazlomnaya platform after a Greenpeace icebreaker approached the rig.
  • A school district in Georgia is considering keeping assault weapons armories in its schools in case of a shooting.
  • The French Ministry of Veteran Affairs has suggested that the history of French soldiers who were executed for desertion in WWI and were labeled as "cowards" in history books be reviewed. The ministry recommends that the French government issue a "formal declaration" clearing the hundreds of soldiers of dishonor.
  • Palo Alto's city council voted unanimously in favor of a new proposal requiring that new homes come equipped with electric car charging stations.
  • Reports of a "sex jihad" in Syria may be a hoax.

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