A.M. Links: Chavez Re-Elected, East Asian GDP Projections Cut, State Department Removed Security Personnel From Libya Despite Pleas For More, SpaceX Ship On Its Way To ISS, Nobel Prize For Physiology or Medicine Announced


  • Hugo Chavez claimed victory after winning 54 percent of the vote in Venezuela's presidential election. Looks like the march to "democratic socialism" will be going on for a few more years. 
  • The State Department removed up to 34 security personnel from Libya months before the attack on the American consulate in Benghazi despite pleas from the head of the Special Forces "Site Security Team" at the time for more security. 
  • A SpaceX cargo ship is on its way to the International Space Station in the first of a dozen planned supply runs.
  • The 2012 Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine has been awarded to Sir John B. Gurdon and Shinya Yamanaka for their work in cell development. No word on the Nobel Peace Prize, which will be announced on Friday. The Norwegian Nobel committee set its bar high with Obama on that one didn't they?

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