A.M. Links: Hillary Clinton Welcomed Harshly by Chinese Press, Third Party Candidates Qualify in Virginia, Few Protests in Charlotte So Far

News from New York to Virginia to China


  • Twitter's head lawyer, Alexander MacGillivray says he's busy defending the free speech and privacy rights of users because building trust as a service is good for business.

  • Hillary Clinton received harsh state media coverage upon her arrival in China Tuesday night. Earlier on her trip she urged China to work multilaterally with neighbors on disputes in the South China Sea. China prefers to negotiate separately with different countries.
  • The Libertarian nominee for president, Gary Johnson, qualified for the Virginia ballot, along with the Green and Constitution Party candidates. Johnson's ballot status is being challenged in Ohio, Pennsylvania and other states.
  • Though the Democratic convention is less insulated from the public than Republicans, it doesn't appear the Occupy movement will muster any significant protests at Bank of America Stadium or the other venues used in Chaflotte.
  • A strip club in New York is arguing that nude dancing is an art and so the club should be exempt from paying taxes on dances.
  • The Florida A&M Torque Dance Team was suspended for an alleged off-campus hazing incident which was reported to the school anonymously.

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