Innovators Without Borders


Max Marty is the CEO of Blueseed, a company that hopes to build "a high-tech visa-free entrepreneurship and technology incubator on an ocean vessel in international waters" near Silicon Valley. He was formerly the director of business strategy at the Seasteading Institute, a research and advocacy group that focuses on floating cities free of existing government restrictions. reason asked Marty for three ways he believes the Blueseed model will help make America—and the world—richer and more innovative:

1 By building a workaround for America's antiquated and overly restrictive immigration requirements for foreign-born entrepreneurs, Blueseed will create a means by which global innovators can bring new companies and technologies to grow near Silicon Valley's fertile startup soil.

2 By helping incubate new and innovative companies off the Silicon Valley coast, Blueseed can help pull America out of its economic rut, since high-tech startups are one of our most efficient engines of economic growth. 

3 By facilitating a working space free of nationalistic restrictions, Blueseed will create a uniquely rich nexus of collaboration and innovation for minds and ideas from all over the world—a place where the phenomenon that science writer Matt Ridley's calls "ideas having sex" can freely flourish. Such areas have always been where human innovation is most rapid and fertile.